Oh Pelosi : Revisited

Saturday, May 23, 2009 at 5/23/2009 09:51:00 AM

Well it has been 9 days since my original "Oh Pelosi" post on Thursday, May 14, 2009. It's amazing to me how this story is slowly but surely going away. Can you imagine if the tables were turned and it was a republican caught blatantly lying like this? Here is her statement on the 14th.... "I stand by my comments," said Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. "I have made the statement that I'm going to make" and "I won't have anything more to say about it."
How come the media only went at her for a good day or two and are now sweeping it under the rug. Why is there no repercussions for anything the democrats do? Turn the tables and someone on the republican side would be burning on the stake.
Watch as any republican that tries to keep this alive will be branded as someone who is not looking out for the best of their country, someone who can't look forward. (I love that one coming from the left as their whole agenda is to criminalize and blame bush for everything). So my friends, just look out for the double standard.

Heading Out

Friday, May 15, 2009 at 5/15/2009 09:31:00 AM

Today I will be flying to Atlantic City on Spirit air. A little nervous about spirit or any "value" type jet. Looking forward to AC though and will post updates. My good friend is getting married I am looking forward to that and a little escape from good old Tampa Florida.

****UPDATE, flight is canceled due to plane being broken. That's swell, it was even more fun dealing with their outsourced call center in India.

Oh Pelosi

Thursday, May 14, 2009 at 5/14/2009 05:14:00 PM

I think Nancy has officially lost it today. Her web of lies has made it so obvious, even to the liberal media that she is complete BS. What on earth is this government coming to. The common American sits on the couch and probably says to themeselve "wow, this lady is crazy" without thinking that this lady is actually one of the people running the country. Democrat or Republican we are in some deep you know what with these wack jobs running the show.

First Post

Friday, April 24, 2009 at 4/24/2009 06:47:00 PM

This is my first blog post. Another disgusting day in US politics as Al Gore spewed his company line to congress. I should not knock the guy, I am actually jelous, he came up with a great scam and is going to make bank. Good for him.

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